Die K9 Detection Dog School Germany und die K9 Detection Dog School Brazil Ltda vergibt im Rahmen ihrer Ausbildung Prüfungszertifikate für die ausgebildeten Spürhundeteams nach Polizei EU Standarts sowie Standarts nach IPWDA. Die folgende Tabelle zeigt die vergebenen Zertifikate anhand der Zertifikatsnummer. Wenn Sie neben dem jeweiligen Zertifikat auf den Link klicken können Sie, wenn Sie die Berechtigung dazu haben, das jeweilige Zertifikat im Detail einsehen.
The K9 Detection Dog School Germany and the K9 Detection Dog School Brazil Ltda award examination certificates for the trained detection dog teams in accordance with EU police standards and IPWDA standards as part of their training. The following table shows the certificates awarded by certificate number. If you click on the link next to the respective certificate, you can view the certificate in detail if you are authorized to do so.
90061430076DE | ARKO | DRUGS | 276098800340382 | 18.-19.4.2024 | 19.4.2025 | CONFIRMED |
90061430077DE | DELTA | EXPLOSIVE | 276098106830556 | 18.-19.4.2024 | 19.4.2025 | CONFIRMED |
90061430078DE | SCHARON | EXPLOSIVE | 276098800315677 | 18.-19.4.2024 | 19.4.2025 | CONFIRMED |
90061430079DE | KUMA | BEBBUGS | 276095610476186 | 18.-19.4.2024 | 19.4.2025 | CONFIRMED |
90061430075DE | MAJA | BEDBUGS | 981189900092802 | 18.-19.4.2024 | 19.4.2025 | CONFIRMED |
88719720011BR | MAC | EXPLOSIVE | 963008000899165 | 17.9.2023 | 17.9.2024 | CONFIRMED |
88719720022BR | MISTER K9 | EXPLOSIVE | 900215005050143 | 16.9.2023 | 16.9.2024 | CONFIRMED |
88719720031BR | MICA DO LLORETT DE MAR | EXPLOSIVE | 991001001420235 | 16.9.2023 | 16.9.2024 | CONFIRMED |
88719720035BR | OLIVIA DO LLORETT DE MAR | EXPLOSIVE | 900215002780254 | 16.9.2023 | 16.9.2024 | CONFIRMED |
88719202436BR | MALOCA | EXPLOSIVE | 900215005050152 | 10.8.2024 | 10.8.2025 | CONFIRMED |
88719202437BR | MICA | EXPLOSIVE | 991001001420235 | 10.8.2024 | 10.8.2025 | CONFIRMED |
88719202438BR | Ricky | EXPOLSIVE | 215005050148 | 5.10.2024 | 5.10.2025 | CONFIRMED |
88719202439BR | Inca | EXPLOSIVE | 115002041686 | 5.10.2024 | 5.10.2025 | CONFIRMED |
88719202440BR | Olivia | EXPLOSIVE | 900215002780254 | 5.10.2024 | 5.10.2025 | CONFIRMED |
88719202441BR | Maloca | EXPLOSIVE | 900215005050152 | 23.11.2024 | 23.11.2025 | CONFIRMED |
88719202442BR | Fuzil | EXPLOSIVE | 934000011740390 | 23.11.2024 | 23.11.2025 | CONFIRMED |